Saturday 14 November 2009


Shits happened few days back but everything has come to an end. I decided to go shopping instead of staying at home day-dreaming and thinking what's gonna happen next. Eunice came and picked me up right after her lunch and we headed to KL. It took us almost an hour to reach the mall due to traffic jammed. We went for brunch at Wendy's once we arrived the mall since I only had a cup of Nescafe in the morning. After brunch, of course is shopping time.

outfit of the day: flowery green singlet with light make up
E claimed that my b*** has become bigger.LOL

the only thing I bought -the so called cowboy vest.

I brought home the wrong colour of vest. It supposed to be orangey brown. I think the sales girl got colour blind and the quality is darn bad. All the thread came out and the sewing is bad. It really pissed me off. I'm going to the shop tmr to change it.

Received a text frm Mr.B. Thought he sent wrongly.
He said wasn't and wish to get back with me.
I refused and apologised to him. He asked me to try.
Unless he proves everything to me I said. He couldn't.
Cause we already know this's a lie frm the very beginning.