Wednesday 9 September 2009


Darling Sze overnight at my place a day before as we had planto go for shopping spree the next day.She woke me up after she get herself prepared. The both of us always took an hour plus to doll up before going out.As usual, she drove her car to Taman Paramount station and we'll take lrt down to Times Square. The place she used to park was taken so we decided to park at the lrt station's parking lot instead. Unfortunately it was fulled therefore she drove her car went round and round to search for parking. We saw a car came out frm the parking lot and parked his car behind those houses area so we just followed.

Headed to the cinema to get The Unbelievable movie tickets once we were there. It wasn't in my plan of watching this movie though.I acually wanted to watch I Love You Beth Cooper so much but the time of showing was kindda late. Sze promised to watch with me next time.

Went to Shabu Shabu to have our brunch after that.

Delicious tom yam soup.Likey!!!

The ingredients of set B - RM14.90

Poor little egg.
We thought it was boiled but it wasn't.

My drink - Cincau Soya

Is that seroius huh?

Double become single eye-lid.
Apply the wrong method of make up.

Darling Sze.

We couldn't finish the set that we ordered. The waitress gave us one kind of look and glanced at those food left when we asked for bill. Hang around the mall till the time for movie. Initially, I thought this is a horror movie.After I watched, I claimed it's more likely a disgust than horror one.Moreover, it's those recording kindda movie. The shaky of camera plus disgust scence make me felt dizzy and wanna puke at that moment.We get back to our shopping spree after the movie.

Went back to the place where she parked her car. She saw big pieces of broken glass on the floor while she putting her stuff on her back seat.I just get in and sat at the front seat. The drawer in front of my seat was open and I just closed it with no doubt.Suddenly Sze screamed"OMG!" I turned to her and saw the driver seat was back down and was a mess with the
coin box on it. Then only we relised that her car robbed by somebody else. But the weirdest thing was that the robber didn't took her smart tag away.Luckily there's no cash or expensive stuff in the car or else will be all gone.Another problem occured when we went home was about the stupid tenants who stay at my parents new renovate house quarrel with the neighbours. This wasn't the first time we received calls and complaint from the neighbourhood.We also get to know frm the neighours that there are many people living in the house besides the husband and wife. We suspect that the tenats rent the house to other people as well. Hate it when so much things happend in a day.

supposed to be a good day no? It didn't seems like one for me.