Saturday 5 September 2009


Woke up reluctantly early in the morning to get myself back to the office.Due to my manager asked me to assist in arrangement of 500+ copies of essay numbering.Since I have started halfway before my internship ended so of course I've to finish up a complete pile instead.Besides, I also have to hand in my I/A final report to him before I could submit to my lecturer.BUT....
The very main purpose of me to be there wasn't all that but to go back to my long time no visit primary school as the Child Safety Alert Campaign Guide gonna held in non other than SJK (C) Chen Moh on that day. excited!!!

I'm back to my lovelyyyy school!!!
memories recall time =)

New build activity centre.
looks like International school no?

School canteen.
Remind me of those days when I was too short to grab snacks at the counter.LOL
Omfg!!! can you believe the aunties working there are still the same one?

What's with the black board stated?
Was that a soap company sponsored this classroom?
I've no idea cause it was already there since I was there.

Sneaked into my standard 6 classroom.
Erm maybe not...
the guy I admired's classroom?

Ean, Sherry, Yao and Mr.Lock

Sin Chew photographer help us take group pic

Look all my adorable little juniors.
Spot the tiny little one standing behind the prefect.

She was blocked by those tall classmates and couldn't really watch the performance.
We get her out and stand in front instead.

See the cutie pie was so amused with the preformance.

Grabbed her for a picture.
She's not shy at all.
Will my daughter be as cute as her next time?

Unchange class sign board which hold by prefects.
Ping Pong racket instead of manila cards.