Saturday 1 August 2009


Totally shocked when I see our out-rented hse looks and smells like shit today.Neighbours were all complaining about the renter and the 3 dogs they rear.
The gate wasn't lock and bike was placing outside.We knock on the gate but no one came out.It seems that the babi renter don't dare to see us.
Plus,they have not completely pay us this month's rent.Lame excuse given- kena rob.If it's true also non of our business.They should pay it on time.Takkan can afford to have 3 dogs but couldn't pay for the few hundred rent.
My mom tried to call the renter Christina for billion times before this but she didn't pick up the phone.I used my mobile to call her this afternoon and she gave another lame excuse again -salary not out

After settled up with the agent then went to Sunway Pyramid which's very nearby to our hse.Manage to reach the mall within 5 minutes by just crossing a bridge.How strategic and simple no?

Kitschen is on sales!

Dark blue denim skinnies first catches my eyes.

Light blue jeans kindda loose for mua.

Camwhore sikit while changing. paiseh..

Bought my love strawberry stick before heading back home.

My room is in a mess now since the new bed has arrived.headachenya...
Was listening to Suria FM club hits while blogging.
I like to move it cause it's Saturday night!