Friday 20 November 2009


Had brunch at cafeteria before we went to submit assignment. I didn't feel like going home early since tutorial class has cancelled. Headed to KL with a 776 pages darn heavy text book on my hands.Went to Borders' to had some reading and surprisingly I saw an Indian working adult was speaking Mandarin fluently through his phone. How amazed no?Mum was so mad when I rang her up and told her I was in mall and she kept scolding me on the phone. I just hang up her phone halfway of our conversation and walked to the nearest ATM to withdraw. She really pissed me off that time, I think I'm old enough to go out by myself no? Within half an hour, I already spent those money that I withdraw.

Headed to the nearest outlet after I withdraw. I just grabbed and paid for this jacket without trying . It looks ugly on me when I tried it after I got home.Walked around and sit on a bench right in front of a shop which was playing jay chou's song while observing surrounding. Many things came across my mind at that very moment . I went through my cell phone text messages and came through those messages he texted me. I was so upset and got no one to turn to ,that's why I need silence and be alone.

Another dress which I bought after I spent half an hour thinking crap there before I heading home.Didn't even bother to look and talk to my mum once I got home. Shopping is no longer a good therapy to cure my sadness and unhappiness. You used to be part of my life and the one I trusted but what had happened ? I think 'm being silly to fall for someone like you who is not serious in relationship. You tried very hard to defend yourself frm the truth when I found out what you were doing behind me. You apologized and ask me for second chance but you're not gonna take a move to change. Isn't it pointless and meaningless when there's no trust in a relationship anymore?