Friday 16 October 2009


Still remember the meaning of "refracted" you taught me. It means a ray of light change direction when it goes through at an angle. I tried hard to look in different perspectives and not to be so sensitive as you said. Sometimes I just couldn't help myself to think else thing and not trust you.You said that it seems like what you did is always wrong to me.Then do something to prove that you're right, I'm the one wrong.

Just chatted with Jeen on msn. His gf found him annoyed cause he spend most of the time with her.How I wish mine could spend time with me just like what Jeen do to his gf. But is the other way round though. I can rarely see him 2 times the max in a week."Huh?! So little." Eunice replied. What's more he's going to Holland next week for business.

I felt that I'm having relationship with a mobile phone instead of the real person of him. Jeen felt the same way as I do as well. The worse part is you don't even care to answer my text when there's questions in it. You only bother to have conversation with me when it's the right topic.

I'm so envy to see my bestties with their the other half. They tried to sort out the solution when problem occurred to maintain their relationship. I tried to bring out our problem to you as well. But sadly the phrases I usually get from you were " What you want me to do? " " Tell me what to do." Apologies but no changes.

I pretend to be stupid doesn't mean I'm one okay? I even asked my guy friends for opinions and advices. They even thinks that is bullshit to give lame excuse such as BUSY to ignore my text. How come before this we could text and had phone conversation till late night? You promised that things will be alright when we're together.

You said that I'm the priority but I felt that I'm on the last.You asked me to be patience, I try my best to be one." Try to see you soon." is another ugly disappointed words you gave. You said that I need to understand you couldn't see me everyday. I didn't ask you to accompany me 24/7. Did I? I don't ask for more, 3 days a week the minimum at least?

You don't wanna keep things in dark neither I do. I don't think is too much to request for a wake up and before bed text frm you. I felt that I have two bfs instead of one. I was texting to two different guys for day and night time. I meant what I say everytime but you just never take it serious for just once.

I wish to get a text frm you before you heading to Holland. Will you?